'Til Death We Meet Again (A Grim Awakening Book 3) Read online

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  “You don’t have to explain yourself. We can’t control where our feelings lead us.” She patted my back.

  Ghosts were walking right through the walls into the kitchen. My eyes widened as Alex went right through one. Was Miles still outside taking care of the ones in the yard?

  “I swear this house is so cold lately… we must have a bad draft coming in from somewhere,” Mom mumbled, and I stepped out of her arms to rub my eyes. I hadn’t cried, but my eyes had that itchy-watery feel to them.

  “It is cold, but it’s October, Mom,” Alex added.

  There was a knock on the door. “It’s probably Killian,” I told them quickly.

  “I’ll get it,” Alex said then looked at me. “Don’t worry, Sis, I’m going to give him a chance.” I watched him take off into the hallway, and Mom took one look at what she was wearing and her face turned ashen.

  “Alex!” Mom yelled before taking off into the hallway with him. “Do not open that door until I’ve made it into my bedroom!” I stood in the kitchen smiling.

  I heard Alex open the door. I heard Killian greet him, and Alex told him to come in. “She’s the one!” a young boy ghost told another.

  “Bring us back to life please!” another screamed.

  I stepped back slowly. “I can’t bring you back to life,” I whispered.

  “She told me that all I had to do was jump into you and it will bring me back,” the young boy informed me. That was ridiculous, and I wondered why the ghosts even believed such a lie!

  “That will only let you possess my body, that won’t bring you back.” I backed on up. “Who told you to that?”

  “You’d try anything if you were dead like us.” One of the ghosts launched at me.

  In this moment, I was missing the voice inside my head and the strength she gave me. Why wasn’t my power reacting or helping me like it always did before?

  I brought my arms out in front of me, but before the ghost could get close, the necklace reacted. Blue light moved in front of me and created a barrier. The ghost screamed as it was dissolved into the light.

  The others were hesitant now, but another ghost went ahead and attacked. He dissolved just like the first.

  “What are you doing?” Alex asked me as he stared at my ridiculous pose. Killian’s eyes were leveled on the ghosts. Their eyes lit up with fear of him, yet none of them made a move to leave.

  “May I use your bathroom?” Killian asked but before either of us could reply, he was walking off in the direction of the bathroom. When he walked back in the room as Grim, I realized he had gone and switched to get rid of them.

  “Did he already leave?” Mom sounded breathless as she arrived back in the kitchen looking more presentable.

  Great. Perfect. Alex and Mom were both in the room while Grim was waving a giant scythe around in our kitchen to scare the life out of some ghosts. Only they weren’t running, so he opened the passage for them and started forcing them all in the light.

  “He went to the bathroom,” Alex answered Mom’s question.

  “I should probably make us some food,” Mom said, and a ghost ran in her direction. It wasn’t going to try to possess her to get away from Grim, was he?

  He was! “Woah!” I screamed just as Grim jerked him by the shirt before he could.

  “Jesus, Melanie!” Mom was holding her chest as she gave me a confused look.

  Right, I yelled. “Woah!” I tried to toss my hands in the air with enthusiasm. “Woah. Yeah. I think that’s a good idea.”

  Kill me now. Alex was looking at me like I had grown two heads.

  Mom was grabbing something out of the fridge when Grim took care of the last one. For now, anyway. He stepped into the hallway and walked back in as Killian. “I hope it’s okay that I came over,” Killian said to Mom.

  She was putting stuff together on the stove and smiled back at him. “No, you’re fine. Give me a second and I’ll have some food ready. Are you okay with cheeseburgers? It’s the quickest thing I’ve got to make.”

  “I’ll eat anything,” he replied grabbing his belly.

  She looked him up and down. “I’d reckon your parents must have fed you good growing up, you’re a big boy.”

  He looked down at the ground. Mom’s words made me realize I didn’t know how he grew up in the Underworld. “Actually, my mom abandoned me long before I even knew what a parent was…”

  Everyone was quiet, and I looked at the man I loved. What kind of life had he lived before he became Grim? And what was Grim before he became Killian? So much I cared to know.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  “It’s okay, I didn’t say it to make you feel bad. I shouldn’t have said it,” he told her quickly, shaking his head.

  I walked over and grabbed his hand. “Don’t say that.” Mom tossed her hand up in the air at him. “I want to get to know the man my daughter is dating.”

  “So,” Alex piped in. “Do you like video games?”

  “Sure. What do you play Xbox? PS4?” I looked at him surprised.

  “Xbox!” Alex replied excitedly. “Do you play Black Ops 3?”

  Killian nodded. “Yep.”

  “Me too,” Alex really couldn’t contain his excitement now, but I could tell he was getting too into the conversation, so he added another, “Me too,” that was calmer.

  I smiled. This was going better than I expected.

  “Seems you two have something in common.” Mom turned to smile at them.

  The Reaper that was outside slipped into the kitchen with us. “I took care of the ones outside,” he told Killian.

  A few minutes later and Mom was making Killian a burger while Alex and I had to get our own. “This is a great burger, Tina,” he praised Mom and she hid her smile by turning around.

  “Yeah, Mom’s a great cook,” I helped along with buttering her up.

  Only she knew what we were doing because she turned back around and arched an eyebrow our way. We all sat at the table together. “Don’t think I don’t know you two are trying to butter me up,” she told us, and I grinned sheepishly at Killian who looked worried that he had ruined his chances.

  “Your daughter is very precious to me and I plan to prove it,” Killian was dead serious and Mom burst out laughing. It didn’t take long for Alex and me to join her. Killian was completely lost as he looked at us.

  “She means a lot to me as well,” Mom coughed and straightened back up.

  We stayed a little longer before leaving. Alex asked Killian if he wanted to play a game together and that was when I knew we had to leave or we’d be stuck here all day. Once we were in his car, I said, “I didn’t know you played video games.”

  “I don’t. Ryan gave me some advice.”

  I felt my forehead wrinkle up. “Ryan did?”

  “Gotta’ take this car back to my place before we go to my other place.” Killian gave a strange look. “If that makes any sense.”

  “Makes total sense.”

  I watched him as he drove and kept remembering what he had said about his mom. I desperately wanted to ask him about it, but I didn’t know if I could. “Um, Killian...” I tried.

  “There’s something we have to talk about when we get to the castle.” He was looking ahead as he spoke. There was no smile on his face, just a blank expression as he drove. It made my stomach tighten.

  “What is it?” Only he didn’t answer me.


  Ryan was waiting for us in the ballroom when we faded into the castle. That ominous feeling in my stomach got worse. I looked to Killian. “What is it?” Did I really want to know? Ryan wouldn’t meet my eyes. Killian didn’t answer. “Has Fear done something? Or have you figured out what’s going on with the ghosts and portal chips?” I asked him.

  “Come on.” Killian led me to another room I had yet to be in. It was full of old furniture that reminded me of my grandma’s house before she passed away when I was little. There was also a grandfather clock that actually worked

  Tick-tock, tick-tock. The sound was loud in the quiet room.

  Killian forced me to sit on one of the couches. Ryan sat across from us. “We can save Ryan from Fear,” Killian spoke first.

  I smiled. “Really?” I was the only one smiling and it dropped fast. “Will you guys stop and tell me already.”

  “I have to die,” Ryan said and met my eyes.

  “You’re already dead.” I tried to shake off the uneasy feeling.

  “It’s not his body we are talking about,” Killian told me. I turned to face him next to me. “His soul, Melanie.” That didn’t expect me to believe that, did they? “His body died long ago, but his soul… it’s not his anymore.” He placed his hand on my leg.

  “You already knew, didn’t you?” My voice was small, unsteady but my heart… it beat wild and furiously.

  “It’s not something I wanted you to know and I didn’t want to tell you now, either,” Ryan said with a sigh. I didn’t even know how to respond.

  “He had Fear’s mark when he died. He wouldn’t even have an actual body right now if it wasn’t for what Fear did to him, he’d be a ghost or he would have already moved on… but that can never happen.”

  “What does that mean exactly?” I wasn’t looking at either of them. I kept my eyes on the ground as the coldness spread through me.

  “Grim has to destroy my soul,” Ryan answered what I didn’t actually want to hear.

  “There’s no coming back from that. He will completely cease to exist.”

  I ignored Killian’s words and stood. Then the dam burst and I couldn’t contain how I reacted any longer. “No,” I mumbled. “No, I refuse to believe that’s the only way to save him.”

  “This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” Ryan said quietly.

  “She needed to know,” Killian told him.

  I wouldn’t lift my head, but I heard Ryan step in front of me. “Melanie,” he pleaded. “I’d rather not exist at all before I become something that wants to kill you.”

  I knew, believe me. I understood his reasoning completely. He didn’t want to be a monster. He didn’t want to hurt me. But I was the girl—the reason he became this way.

  I lifted my gaze and shook my head violently. “Let me ask you both something. If I died and belonged to Fear and like you said, the only way to save me was to destroy my soul, would you?” Ryan looked down and even Killian wouldn’t meet my eyes. “That’s what I thought.” I looked back to Ryan. “We don’t know what will actually happen when he finally kills Marcus. It could end everything.”

  “Or it could solve nothing.” Killian moved next to me.

  I met his intense gaze with my own. “Then, I’ll never have a shot at life, either, right?” His jaw hardened as he glared at me. I could stand here and have at it with him all day if that was what it took.

  Ryan forced me to look away from Killian by pulling at my shoulders. He looked miserable. “It’s gonna come sooner rather than later… that moment.” His words became a whisper, “When you have to let me go.”

  Chapter Six


  I wished there was a way to tell the future. A way I could look ahead and know that everything was going to be okay. If I was going to be okay. If Ryan would pass on to Heaven. If Killian and I would last like I desperately wanted.

  But there wasn’t and I was stuck living every second of each day, wondering if it was okay to even hope for something happy in my future.

  I ran out of the castle to get a few minutes by myself. Sky laid beside me with her huge head resting on my legs. I rubbed her head and it was nice. Relaxing even. I didn’t speak to her. I felt perfectly at ease not saying anything.

  She must have felt the same way because she purred in contentment.

  It wasn’t just Ryan’s situation that was bugging me… since I pulled the scythe from my chest and put Killian and Grim back together, the voice had gone silent. What did that mean? Was she gone now that I knew she was a part of me?

  Should I be worried that I still didn’t know what I was? Even Killian didn’t have an answer. I knew I was connected to him somehow but that was it.

  Light… Grim’s Light… Just what had I meant when I spoke the words so confidently.

  I lifted Sky’s head from my legs and stood up. Maybe I should just try it and see. I stepped closer to the giant tree that was in front of me. I brought my arms out and tried to concentrate on the power like I always did before. Sorry tree, but I needed a target. I thought of pain and aimed my palm at the tree.


  I tried reaching into my chest. I couldn’t.

  I placed my hands over my face and sighed. Was I not motivated enough?

  “May I ask what you’re doing?”

  Killian was leaning against a tree. His expression was blank, so I supposed we were still at odds. Sky was next to me rolling around on her back like a playful kitten until she noticed the mood and flew off.

  I decided to ignore him and headed into the woods. “We don’t have time for your childish games,” he called from somewhere behind me. I picked up the pace and felt my cheeks getting warm.

  Seriously, what was I doing?

  Why did I always go seeking attention in the strangest ways when it came to him? A branch snapped to my left and I stopped. My nerves were a tangled mess. I looked back to see if he was there.

  Oh, God. What did I do? I started something he would finish. The thought was terrifying as it was thrilling. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. “Killian.” It was best to play nice.

  The woods were dark once you got inside despite the glow of the trees. I could hear the dragons flying above me but couldn’t see any of them because of the leaves on the trees.

  “Why walk away from me when we could be spending this time together?” He laughed, but I couldn’t tell what direction it was coming from. “You know… with you in my arms.” He was behind me, his words in my ears. His mouth was close and his hands were sliding over my jacket.

  I closed my eyes. “I walked away because we are at odds when it comes to Ryan.” I let him turn me around so we faced each other. My eyes were open now, so it wasn’t my fault that I got lost in the depths of his.

  “That’s true, but I thought I had made it clear that when we are alone, nothing else matters.” He placed a hand against my back and pulled me close. In the process, the darkness came and I knew we had faded.

  When the light brought us back, we were standing next to a small drop off embedded in the ground. It looked to be about ten feet, but there was a man-made path that led down... I gasped. It was a small pond, if you’d call it that. Pink, purple, and green vines hung down the hill and hung over into the water. The water itself glowed like everything else and everything was visible underneath.

  “It’s beautiful,” I mumbled, and he took my hand and started down the path.

  “Come on, let’s get in,” he said.

  I moved my hand away from his and stopped on the path. “Right now?”

  He looked back at me and nodded. “Yeah, why do you think I brought us here?” He looked downright mischievous right about now!

  “We don’t have anything to swim in.” I had my suspicions about what his plan was and it had my heart about to beat right out of my chest.

  “How about we leave our clothes on the bank and skinny dip?” His smile was impossible… impossible not to fall for. “Or you can just swim in your panties and bra if you’re afraid of being naked around me… afraid of losing those virtues of yours? Don’t worry, it’s safe for now.”

  My face and neck were on fire, and I had to look away from him. “Your face is red, Love.” He let out a husky laugh and I turned back to see him walking on down. My stomach fluttered at the sound of his laugh.

  His shirt was the first thing to go. He started unbuttoning his pants and I covered my eyes up, then uncovered them because let’s face it—I couldn’t make up my mind. “What are you doing?” I knew exactly what he was doing, I j
ust didn’t know how to react.

  “I told you I came down here to get in the water. I’m not leaving my clothes on.” He turned around and looked at me. “Do you want me to relax you with some of my incubus charm?” he asked.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I warned him.

  He laughed again. “Relax, Melanie, I would never do that to you. I would never have in the first place if I could have controlled it. Honestly, though,” he grinned at me, “Let’s face it, I have no need for it. Look at the way you’re staring at me.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. If I could help it, I really needed to stop boosting his ego. “Get over—” My words were lost when he slid down his jeans.

  I knew his butt would be perfection, but so help me, I would not have been able to stop staring at his backside if my life had depended on it. He looked back again to make sure he had my attention (Oh, he did!) before stepping into the water until nothing but his head was visible.

  His handsome smile reflected off the glow of the water as he smiled up at me. “Come on and get in!”

  Then I knew this was another brand on my heart that I wanted to keep forever. Killian looked so at ease that all my worries could wait, too.

  He splashed some water at me that never reached. He was grinning like we didn’t have a worry in the world. He looked so carefree, so open, and breathtaking, I loved it. “What are you waiting for? It’s not like I haven’t seen most of you already…”

  I smirked, feeling brave and much like the girl that took on the Human Festival. I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. “Turn around and give me some privacy,” I told him.

  He arched his eyebrows but otherwise listened and turned around. I hurriedly took off my clothes and laid them in a pile. I stepped into the water—it was warm, soft even. It rippled and moved around me as I swam toward Killian. His back was still turned and my heart pounded against my ribcage. I was nervous, yet excited.